"We're changing the world with technology." -Bill Gates

Whether we like it or not, technology is here to stay, and it is showing no signs of slowing down in terms of prevalence and overall usage among users. We use technological devices every day of our lives to complete simple tasks such as shopping, banking, investing, conversing, and reading.

Honestly, after becoming so used to technology, it would be quite a stretch to have someone take our phones away from us for a week or so; we'd go through some severe withdrawals!

Nonetheless, although technology has revolutionised the 21st century and has made many aspects of life so much easier for us, there are some downsides. Such as? Due to its addictive nature, technology users tend to spend hours of their time scrolling through social media posts and watching funny YouTube videos. We would have a lot more time to do productive things if it wasn't for technology.

Thankfully, there are tips and tricks to maintain a healthy balance of technology use. In today's article, we'll take a look at five suggestions that help persons of all ages develop a wholesome equilibrium of technological devices.

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Why Are We So Addicted to Technology?

phone time
Without realising it, we may be addicted to our cellphone and social media. (Source: Unsplash)

It's hard to remember what our lives were like before technology and social media. Most Millennial and Z generation members are raised with technology around them, so they can't fathom a world without it. However, since the most recent generations have never experienced a world without widespread science & technology, in most cases, the majority of "cellphone addicts" are Millennials or Gen Z.

It's important to state that since we don't often take the time to stop and ponder how and why we are so addicted to technology, we may never realise that we have a problem.

To finally understand the process of why our minds are so drawn to screens, the following list highlights the primary reasons associated with technology addiction:

  • Technology fills the human need for stimulation, 
  • Technology helps us to change or imagine changing environments quickly, 
  • Technology, especially social media, fills the void we have for interaction with other persons, 
  • Technology allows us to access information quickly, which creates dependence. 

By identifying why we are so obsessed with technology, we can find solutions to overcoming the addiction and becoming less dependent. But, some might be asking, is it that much of a bad thing to be so addicted to technology? Let's take a look at the following subheading to find the answer.

Is it Really That Bad To Be So Addicted to Technology?

While technological devices and social networks were created with the innocent intention of making daily tasks more manageable, they have become beasts that devour their users and cause serious addiction problems when not used in a balanced manner.

So, to answer the question in the most honest way, yes, it is that bad to be addicted to technology.

Many aspects of life are negatively affected when technology is overused. Such as? For example, children may become the victims of cyberbullying and create a dependence that continues into their teen years and adulthood. In addition, teenagers may create unwholesome friendships with bad people in chatrooms and become addicted to harmful internet practices such as gambling. As for adults, couples may spend less quality time together, and trust could be undermined when internet relationships are formed.

When it comes down to it, if not controlled, we can become a slave to technology, which can prevent us from enjoying so many beautiful moments in life. So let's concentrate now on the suggestions in the following subheading about establishing a balanced view of technology use.

Five Outstanding Suggestions to Maintain a Balanced View of Tech Use

If you're a parent who has noticed that you or your child has become glued to the screen of your technological devices, now is the time to make a severe change. By looking at the following tips and implementing them in your life, we can guarantee that you'll work towards having a balanced view of technology, and you will control your devices and make sure that they don't maintain you.

Review Your Screen Habits

Before setting limits to your screen use, it is highly recommended to check out and review how much time you spend on electronic devices per day and week; we can assure you that it'll be more than you thought!

After you have reviewed how much time you spend on your phone and which apps you utilise the most, you will be better prepared to set a limit. As a parent, you'll want to be the first to analyse your screen habits and make a change because if you tell your children to do so and you haven't yet, they'll see through you, and you'll be viewed as a hypocrite.

By seeing the hours we waste daily on our phones, we will be better prepared to give up our addiction and put our free time towards something more productive.

Set Goals to Use Technology Less

distractions on phone
By having the goal of turning off notifications, you will enjoy more time away from your cellular device. (Source: Unsplash)

It is essential to have goals and a plan to curve technology addiction and gain back hours of your life to do more beneficial things. Having a list of goals that are part of a plan makes letting go of your screens much easier since it is a step by step process.

Some of the potential goals that you could have to prevent dependence on technology include the following:

  • Putting your phone away when having a face-to-face conversation with someone,
  • Turning off some of your notifications,
  • Checking notifications and text messages at a later time, 
  • Establishing a time limit for social media, aimless browsing, and video game usage, 
  • Not answering texts or phone calls during family dinners, 
  • Have the goal of having more in-person conversations, 
  • Dedicate a day or two, or even a week, without social media, 
  • Block time-wasting sites. 

By setting and sticking to the previously mentioned goals, you will feel less attached to your phone or television screen.

Take Part in Activities That are Without Technology

talking things over
A conversation with a friend is a wholesome activity that can be done without any technology. (Source: Unsplash)

To stay balanced and to avoid any withdrawal symptoms after you've cut down on technology use, it is healthy to have alternative activities to participate in. So find some regular activities out of the house that the whole family will find interesting.

To give our readers an idea of which engaging activities there are that don't involve a screen, the following is a brief list:

  • Going for a hike outside, 
  • Taking a walk with a friend, 
  • Going out to eat with a loved one, 
  • Taking a bike ride, 
  • Playing group sports as part of a team, 
  • Going shopping. 

While we could go on and on about the various indoor and outdoor activities available to those searching for alternative exercises to browsing the internet and playing video games, the suggestions in the previously mentioned list are enough to get you started.

When embarking on alternative adventures, you might even consider keeping your phone at home to avoid using it.

Use Time Managing Apps

While it might seem a bit bizarre to use tech to stay off tech, many apps have been designed in recent years to help individuals of all ages and backgrounds to manage technology usage.

Some applications tell you how many times you've checked your phone a day, that let you know if you're about to go over the internet limit you put for yourself, and that block distracting sites and games. We powerfully suggest looking at the various time managing apps available to you before selecting the best one for your unique needs.

Turn Off Everything Before Bed

One of the worst habits we can have is playing videos, watching movies, or using our phones before bed. Why's that? An electronic device's blue light can interrupt the brain's melatonin and cause our minds to have a hard time falling asleep.

Experts recommend that we stay away from our devices at least one hour before bed and leave them in another room so that we won't be tempted to use them; this will also help us avoid dependence on our screens to fall asleep. So instead of scrolling through Instagram for the millionth time, why not read a book instead?

In conclusion, you shouldn't be ashamed if you deal with an addiction to your electronic device. So many individuals worldwide are dealing with it and implementing tips to stay away from their phones during moments that are best spent with cherished loved ones. By heeding the counsel in today's article, you'll be sure to balance technology and enjoy a healthy life!

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Avid movie-goer, reader, skier and language learner. Passionate about life, food and travelling.