So you've decided to become a tutor. So much to think about, and where do you start looking for help? This blog post aims to help you decide how to choose your hourly rate.

When it comes to tutoring, there are many reasons why you might start. Some people want to help out students with their work. Others might want to earn a little money – often, you'll find it's a mix between the two, which is no bad thing.

However, one of the trickier areas to consider is the money issue – how much will you charge for your time?

You will see stories in the press about super tutors earning £1,500 per hour. This is far from the norm, and unless you are exceptionally well-connected, it's unlikely that you will achieve anything like this rate.

So what should you expect? A survey by First Tutors in 2013 found that families across the UK paid an average of £22.31 per hour for private tuition, with families in rural areas bearing on average slightly more than those in major cities (the city average stands at £21.55 while the rural standard is £23.07). It also found that tuition costs reflect educational level, with the national average ranging from £20.10 for primary and secondary school tuition, to £26.56 for university-level education. There will be wide variation in individual tutor rates, but at least there is some market information to hang your hat on. 

Now, I'm not dictating how much you should or shouldn't charge – it's entirely up to you. You need to strike a balance – you don't want to undervalue yourself and what you want to do… but then again, you don't want to turn people away!

Yikes, this is a tricky balance. Moreover, there's no formula for setting a price on an hour's tuition. However, allow me to offer a little guidance as to what you should consider when you decide on a price…

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Your skills and education

It seems reasonable that the more you work to get to where you are, the higher the reward should be. Teachers tend to earn the most, particularly those with experience as an examiner. Seasoned tutors with a good University degree can also charge top rates. Students, on the other hand, tend to earn less money. But their skills tend to be much more up-to-date, and exams fresh in their mind.

Your level of experience

A tutor with many years of experience will have built a reputation locally, have a network of customers and maybe a waiting list. In these circumstances, they can add a premium to their hourly rate.

Don't fear if you are new, however. It doesn't necessarily mean that people will view you as less competent or worth less money to them. If you are highly qualified in a particular area, a lack of experience may be overlooked when considering the price you want to charge.

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Your location

It's all about supply and demand. The shorter the supply or higher the level of need, the more you should be able to charge.

If you tutor face-to-face, then your region will make a difference in what to expect. You can charge a higher price in areas where private schools are present, or there is an actual demand for tutoring. For instance, in London and the South East, you can expect to be paying a much higher rate for one-to-one tuition than many other places up and down the nation.

If you are an online tutor, this is perhaps less important to you, but you should consider it. If you live in a different time zone than your target audience, you may have late nights or a very early start – this is something you may consider when setting a price.

If you must go to the student's house, it's not unreasonable to charge the student for travel time and costs incurred. This is standard practice.

You can check for tutoring jobs here.

Level of tuition required

There are likely to be more people available to teach secondary-level mathematics than those who can lead a master's degree in Physics. However, be careful – if you want to focus on the student market, then you should consider any financial strains that come with a certain level – undergraduates might not have much money to spend on extra tuition, so you might be pricing yourself out of the market.

Availability of other tutors

How many tutors teach the same subject as you in your area? How much do they charge? How do you fit in compared to them – should you be charging a premium or at a discount? These are important considerations, as you need to decide how your services and price fit in with the local tutoring market.


You have a unique skill set if you're a teacher or lecturer. Not only do you have a high standard of education, but you also have practical experience in supporting students. If you have a good relationship with parents and students, you might find your value to them is somewhat higher, so it is something to consider.

Ultimately, your tutoring participation may depend on your school/college's policy – make sure they are generally okay with what you are doing and the idea of charging a fee for your services outside of work hours.

It is a delicate balance to keep. Ultimately you want to bring in a reasonable amount of money to justify the hours that you but you don't want to make yourself too expensive that people choose to go somewhere else – especially if you are less experienced or are teaching at a level where the price is unjustified in some parent's eyes. Also, consider the potential issue of undervaluing yourself and the perception that gives off to parents – why are you charging so little? Are they short of business and desperate?

My advice is to do your research. Start looking at what others in a similar category are doing. Whether or not you undercut them or offer a more bespoke service is up to you.

  • I hope that you have found this blog post helpful. If you want more guidance on becoming a tutor and growing your business, check out our Tips for Tutors series.
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